Let’s Dance has been reaching out to the health community for support as a non-profit. We are trying to spread the good news we know about how the music, stories, and dance impact the community living with brain degenerative diseases. When we began to do that we were offered to be part of a Brain Degenerative Summit to spread resources to those that need it! We were honored and are so excited to be part of a group of professionals engaging new approaches for people living with brain degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
We appreciate your hard work to create a healthy environment for your loved ones and residents and want to offer this AMAZING resource to YOU! We are certain you will benefit from learning the latest in alternatives including approaches to direct care, diet and nutrition, and our unique Let’s Dance Activities program inspiring exercise and movement, and more importantly, engagement, joy, love, and connection.

We know that if we have visited your community YOU are aware of how much music and dance lifts the hearts of those in attendance! The summit includes some tips from us directly for you to use today with your community and loved ones. We also know that Teepa Snow, a natural approach to brain change, is part of this event. Teepa Snow offers many approaches and support for caregivers in this community. This Summit can make your work easier!

A Message from the Summit
With brain disorders, we often don’t have 17 years. Not for ourselves. Not for our loved ones. And it takes 17 years, on average, for clinical breakthroughs to make their way into the conventional standard of care.
We can do better — we’re more connected to information in our social communities than we’ve ever before been, so let’s just go ahead and do better.
If you or a friend/family member are having a hard time remembering things — memory loss, brain fog, lack of mental clarity — I invite you to join Dr. Greg Eckel’s Brain Degeneration Summit.
Dr. Eckel became a health advocate after his wife, Sarieah, developed a rapidly progressing dementia, which they later found out was a very rare neurological condition called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Going through this process as a husband and physician, he experienced firsthand the lack of options for patients with chronic neurodegeneration (and their caregivers) experience.
He went through the gamut of symptom discovery, a struggle to diagnosis, choosing treatment options, and not even to mention the emotional challenges that came along with supporting a loved one through a difficult time.
Unfortunately, they didn’t find a remedy for Sarieah. But because of what they learned on their journey, Dr. Eckel became inspired to provide hope, insight and even remedies to patients worried about or struggling with brain health — he has now seen the “incurable” actually improve and resolve.
There are 9 factors that affect health. Through analyzing them you can learn the root cause of your disease — and root cause resolution is a true solution, not a bandage that covers up your symptoms (that often leads to prescriptions that require more prescriptions to cover up the side effects of first prescription).
Please, do not miss this brain health event. It’s free and online, after all! WHY ATTEND? An estimated 50 million people worldwide are affected by dementia and/or Alzheimer’s disease — and other chronic neurodegenerative diseases are quickly on the rise.
We now know that many issues with brain health are treatable, and even potentially curable. When you join Dr. Eckel at his event, you’ll see his perspective rooted in participatory patient care and his mission to empower you with the knowledge and collective wisdom to create health for yourself, no matter whether you’re healthy or dealing with a health challenge.
Dr. Eckel’s Brain Degeneration Summit will help you answer questions about: Root causes of brain degeneration Reversing the impacts of stress and trauma Detox testing and protocols Nutritional strategies for brain health Positive approaches to dementia care Self-care routines for caretakers
And so much more! —>>Learn more about and optimize brain health when you attend this free, online event!
Find hope and opportunity when you join me to learn more!
P.S. When you register for The Brain Degeneration Summit, you’ll also unlock early access interviews, free guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!

If you’re hoping to find out if Let’s Dance is in your neighborhood, our calendar is updated for 2020! We are in New Mexico, Colorado, and Nevada in March & April. We also kick off our annual event Dancing Across America! Get your community booked now, before we get filled up!