We appreciate your hard work to create a healthy environment for your loved ones and residents and want to offer this AMAZING resource to YOU!

We appreciate your hard work to create a healthy environment for your loved ones and residents and want to offer this AMAZING resource to YOU!
Hollis had a suspicion that this woman was cognitive, at least at this moment. Hollis also had a suspicion that this woman had experienced hallucinations in the past and might be looking to confirm she wasn’t hallucinating. Hollis approaches but doesn’t stop her from touching Bright Hawk.
As the group grows in size the positive energy is increased and more people are singing. Often in these later moments, we will see people living with aphasia, singing with us, singing with the group, a simple word. Singing “Love” – over and over with both of us, and the entire group, encouraging each other. The room always changes after that song, like turning on the wake-up switch!
Activities are essential for residents and at Let’s Dance we know that as a Director you know exactly what your residents need! First, we want to say that we know you do things like Hollis did in this story all the time. We know that YOU, as a director, can make someone’s day and help them smile. Without YOU the residents would faller deeper into depression than they already do. We know that your work can sometimes go unseen but we want you to know, that we SEE YOU! Let’s Dance wants to honor every Activity Director!
As I squatted in front of her I begged for the answer, “What is the meaning of Life?” I looked her in her eyes and she said,
Some vibrations they could ‘hear’ in a different way, even ‘feel’ in a different way. The woman was clearly moved and Hollis continued to engage the group.
One of the first things that is affected by dementia is the ability to smell, and Margaret surely suffered in this way. The regular CNAs knew that it was best to catch her already in her room and then offer her the underclothing while she was on the toilet, otherwise she might just deck you. We knew it was best to suggest that she might want to use the bathroom and hope she could piece together your words.
Let’s Dance is not like any other entertainer that visits nursing centers, we not only entertain we comfort, we validate, and uplift the residents. So when you donate to our newest HUG campaign you help us send more HUGS to people in long term care. We all know how great a HUG can be.
So Hollis invited him to dance with their words and an outreached hand…. the first time he didn’t respond. The second time, he reached out and took Hollis’ hand and immediately gave loving soft eyes to Hollis. Eyes can speak so deeply and hold many truths, and when Hollis has discovered such a softness within a person, it’s hard to resist revisiting throughout the program.
Anyone that has worked with groups KNOWS that is more than half the group is feeling happy & joyous the rest of the group follows suit. This group had over 40 individuals excited to sing, dance, exercise, and listen to stories that warm the heart and inspire the soul. The group goes from chaotic and ‘just another day’ to smiling, hugging, and singing. Activity directors get excited when they see their group happily exercising together and are moved when they witness their transformation into happy & joyous folks.