Everyone can afford Let’s Dance, a sliding scale makes it possible for Let’s Dance to visit all income levels. We ask that directors pay as much as the budget allows.

Everyone can afford Let’s Dance, a sliding scale makes it possible for Let’s Dance to visit all income levels. We ask that directors pay as much as the budget allows.
Let’s Dance offers a program that will be the highlight of these hard to reach residents monthly programming – a program that will draw out the smile from the bitter, a hug from the more distant person and a little boogie-woogie by even wheelchair-bound folks. At Let’s Dance, we just don’t know who will wake up or how they will interact. We are consistently surprised…
A Special Program for Special Needs Communities including Dementia Let’s Dance sends warm blessings for everyone at this time of year. May the holidays bring love and warmth deep in your hearts and the hearts of those you love. Please extend our loving blessings to your community from Bright Hawk & Hollis! Our 2017 Fundraiser is coming to an end and we would love to…